導航:首頁 > 項目工程 > 采購工程師英語翻譯


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1. 求關於采購工程師職位英文翻譯

采購工程師 Purchasing Engineer~
Necessary material purchasing for company proctioin, offering of suppliers~
Planninf for purchasing shcle and scheme for proction~
Effective measures to control purchasing costs of materials and increase qualification rate of suppliers' commodity supply~
Time tracing, with good command of purchasing progress and good communication of relative departments~
Tracing and pushing supplier's delivery date~
Actively solve and offer help in solving quality problems of supplier's goods. With periodic evaluation of existing suppliers and exploring of new ones~
Coordination with other departments, completion of work by the company~

2. 采購師英文怎麼說

Purchasing Agent,這是常用的說法。

3. 翻譯成英文: 必要時采購工程師給予協助。

Purchasing Engineer assistance when necessary

4. 高分求翻譯采購工程師簡歷

A. Work experience:
1. 2001年六月至2002年十二月珠海XX科技園有限公司工程部任職生產工程師一職,主要負責新產品的導入,生產問題的分析及改善,工藝文件的制定,工藝改良等。
Jun 2001 to Dec 2002, works as a proction engineer in the engineering department of XX科技園(這個是特指,專有名詞,沒法給你譯) in Zhuhai, in charge of leading-in new proct, analyzing and improving proction, establishing process document, improving process.
2. 2002年十二月至2004年7月,珠海XX電子有限公司工程部任職產品工程部主管。主要負責指導工程師完成新產品的生產導入工作及工程部管理,包括前期的電子元器件的開發/調試,結構部件的開模跟進,結構變更。
Dec 2002 to Jul 2004, director of engineering department of (珠海XX電子有限公司,公司名字自己寫吧,翻錯了就見笑了)., in charge of guiding engineer to complete leading-in new proct and managing the department, including develop/debug electronic components, die sinking of structural component, structural modification.
3. 2004年8月至今,在珠海XX醫學科技股份有限公司擔任采購工程師一職, 主要負責新產品開發中所需新物料的采購,包括供應商的開發、評定,報價及確定價格,樣品確認,後期成本及質量控制等。
Aug 2004 to NOW, work as Procurement Engineer in (珠海XX醫學科技股份有限公司,理由同上),responsible for the procurement of necessary materials in new proct development, including develop new supplier, evaluate quotation and fix price, confirm sample, late cost and quality control.
B. Abilities:
1、 熟悉製造行業的流程,對工程流程的制定,實行,管理有一定的經驗。有兩年工程管理經驗。
Familiar with the process of manufacture instry, the process of project formulation. Experienced in management. A two-year project management experience.
2、 熟悉采購流程,具有供應商開發、評審與議價經驗,有較豐富的電子元件物料及部分五金件采購經驗及渠道。
Familiar with the procurement process. Experienced in supplier development, evaluation and negotiation. (省略了:有較豐富的電子元件物料及部分五金件采購經驗及渠道。感覺不需要,羅唆。)
3、 熟悉基本電路分析,熟悉各種電子元件,可熟練運用PROTEL99進行電路板的布板工作。
Familiar with the basic circuit analysis and electronic components. Skilled in using PROTEL99.
4、 了解ISO9000的流程,有ERP經驗。
Understand of the ISO 9000 process, experienced with ERP.
Excellent AUTOCAD2000 user, good at all office software.
6 、英文良好,能閱讀專業英文資料,與客戶書面溝通。
Fluent in English, native speaker of Chinese. (一句話就夠了,我是中國人,外加英語流利)
7 、良好的表達能力(國,粵語流利),為人友善,具很強的責任心,處事冷靜,考慮問題全面,堅持原則,且具有較強的上進心。
Skilled in communication, easy to get along with, with strong sense of responsibility. (說多了沒用,實在點的好。)

5. 總經理,生產准備部主管,設備工程師,電儀工程師,采購部主管怎麼翻譯

General manager(總經理)
proction preparation department manager(生產准備部主管)
equipment engineer(設備工程師)
electricity meter engineer(電儀工程師)
purchase department manager(采購部主管)

6. 采購師的英文翻譯是什麼

僅供參考: Procurement Specialist

7. 「采購工程師」英文翻譯

Procurement Engineer

8. 請翻譯:求職采購工程師時看到招聘廣告上的英語1





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