導航:首頁 > 建築工程 > 工程機械中英翻譯


發布時間:2021-08-16 15:24:50

1. 工程機械翻譯


2. 工程機械單詞翻譯

liner 郵輪, 客輪; 班機
panel 控制板, 儀表盤
headliner-rear 頂蓬,後方
cover-louver 覆蓋百葉窗
hp (horsepower) 馬力
bezel-trim 屏框

3. 工程機械的英文怎麼說

工程機械 [gōng chéng jī xiè]
engineering plant
工程機械:Engineering machinery
工程機械廠:Engineering Machinery Plant
工程機械圖:machine drawing

4. 在線等!急!工程機械類翻譯!

The original design of the main entrance workshop set up Access Control, on the clean interlocked doors did not set up a controller installation of electronic locks, door locks are among the owners determine the point (AP 1,2,3,4), map "S" for the new set of locks, interpolation. Another shop owner in the outsourcing requirements of the export increase buffer (Xinhua inserted two-door locks, al-gate controller, go out button reader) one each. Please confirm the above design.

5. 工程機械類-跪求英文翻譯!

Draw the template figure on working table with ratio 1:1, for easy to making template board and inspecting.


6. 工程機械英語翻譯


7. 求高手翻譯工程機械英語,要求准確,謝謝


8. 工程機械專業英語翻譯 吳明華

機械工程:Mechanical Engineering
工程機械:Engineering Mechanics

9. 工程機械專業英語翻譯(高手速來)

"Factory branch"——製造廠 (means a branch office maintained by a person who manufactures or assembles motor vehicles for the sale of motor vehicles to distributors, for the sale of motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers, or for directing or supervising in whole or in part its representatives.)

universal link key 萬向節聯接鍵
al-relief-valve system 雙安全閥系統
cutaway view 剖面圖
heavy-ty truck bed 重型卡車後車廂(truck bed 應該指的就是卡車運貨的那部分)
capital repair 大修
The paving machine follows a surveyor's line system鋪路機沿測量員劃線前進的系統


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