A. 對電子信息工程這個專業的英文介紹
電子信息工程翻譯為Computer engineering (計算機工程)比較准確。
Computer engineering is a discipline that integrates several fields of computer science and electronics engineering required to develop computer hardware and software.
(計算機工程是一門學科,集成的多個領域的計算機科學和電子工程開發計算機硬體和所需的軟體。計算機工程師通常接受電子工程(或電氣工程),軟體設計和硬體 - 軟體集成方面的培訓,而不僅僅是軟體工程或電子工程。)
Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering (or electrical engineering), software design, and hardware–software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering. Computer engineers are involved in many hardware and software aspects of computing, from the design of indivial microcontrollers, microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design. This field of engineering not only focuses on how computer systems themselves work, but also how they integrate into the larger picture.
Usual tasks involving computer engineers include writing software and firmware for embedded microcontrollers, designing VLSI chips, designing analog sensors, designing mixed signal circuit boards, and designing operating systems.
Computer engineers are also suited for robotics research, which relies heavily on using digital systems to control and monitor electrical systems like motors, communications, and sensors.
In many institutions, computer engineering students are allowed to choose areas of in-depth study in their junior and senior year, because the full breadth of knowledge used in the design and application of computers is beyond the scope of an undergraate degree.
Other institutions may require engineering students to complete one or two years of General Engineering before declaring computer engineering as their primary focus.
計算機工程(英語:Computer engineering)一個以電機工程學和計算機科學的部分交叉領域為內容的工程學,其主要任務是設計及實現計算機系統。
B. 光電信息科學與工程專業的介紹
C. 計算機對光電信息科學與工程的影響有關的論文 財富可以追加!
D. 我學的專業是光電信息科學與工程
E. 求一篇電子信息工程,通信工程,電子科學技術等專業相關的英文文獻原文
F. 光電信息科學與工程
(1) 光學/光電儀器 — 作為視覺功能的延伸(圖像視覺的延伸)的工具。它包括光學/光電儀器的結構設計,光學鏡頭與系統設計及其工藝等,各種專用光學儀器;如軍用光學儀器,測量光學儀器,天文光學儀器,物理光學儀器等。
(2) 光子學技術 — 利用光子原理或光電相互作用原理的器件。它包括各種激光器,光電器件及紅外探測器,光電成像器件,紅外與夜視技術,超高速攝影,光閥,發光光源,短波及X射線光學等。
(3) 信息光學技術 — 主要研究光信息的產生、傳輸、處理及圖像顯示技術。它包括光信息及圖像處理術,圖像及模式自動識別,全息術,自適應光學技術,光傳輸及通信技術,光學遙感技術,目標及傳輸特徵資料庫、光計算術等。
(4) 光學技術及工程 — 主要研究光能應用、光加工及有關工程。它包括光武器工程,激光加工(工業),激光核聚變,照明工程,光學材料、薄膜、工藝、特殊光器件,光刻技術(用於微電子技術),微機械中的微光學技術。
(5) 光電交叉學科 — 主要研究光與物質的作用、新型光電材料、生物醫學光學、視光學、能量學科與光電學科的交叉、環境學科與光電學科的交叉、海洋學科與光電學科的交叉等等。
光電信息技術是由光學、光電子、微電子等技術結合而成的多學科綜合技術,涉及光信息的輻射、傳輸、探測以及光電信息的轉換、存儲、處理與顯示等眾多的內容。光電信息技術廣泛應用於國民經濟和國防建設的各行各業。近年來,隨著光電信息技術產業的迅速發展,對從業人員和人才的需求逐年增多,因而對光電信息技術 基本知識的需求量也在增加。光電信息技術以其極快的響應速度、極寬的頻寬、極大的信息容量以及極高的信息效率和解析度推動著現代信息技術的發展,從而使光電信息產業在市場的份額逐年增加。在技術發達國家,與光電信息技術相關產業的產值已佔國民經濟總產值的一半以上,從業人員逐年增多,競爭力也越來越強。
河南理工大學、河南科技大學 、清華大學、北京航空航天大學、天津大學、哈爾濱工業大學、哈爾濱工程大學、浙江大學、中山大學、寧波大學、中南大學、電子科技大學、四川大學、西南科技大學、合肥工業大學、中國科學技術大學、中國礦業大學,安徽大學、安徽工業大學、安徽工程大學、南京信息工程大學、杭州電子科技大學、桂林電子科技大學[3] 、中國計量學院、河南師范大學、三峽大學、南京理工大學紫金學院、北京交通大學海濱學院、重慶大學、南京大學、南京航空航天大學、南京郵電大學、南京理工大學、南京工業大學、武漢大學、華中科技大學、哈爾濱理工大學、長春理工大學、長春理工大學光電信息學院、 西安郵電學院、天津理工大學、山東輕工業學院、中北大學、華南理工大學、深圳大學、華南師范大學、廣東工業大學、西安工業大學、常熟理工學院、上海電力學院、上海理工大學、南昌大學、南昌航空大學、暨南大學、南昌理工學院、大連海事大學雲南大學、常州工學院、雲南師范大學、雲南大學、山東師范大學、濟南大學、齊齊哈爾大學、長沙大學、湖南理工學院、華東交通大學、山西大同大學、大連大學以及集美大學等。
G. 求電子信息工程方面的科技英文論文文獻1篇
B2B eMarketplace
Announcements and Shareholder Wealth
The advent of the Internet as an instrument for business commerce has fundamentally altered the economy by ushering in increased efficiencies and more transparent markets.Since businesses started concting Internet transactions in 1995,the growth has been impressive. Forrester Research estimates that worldwide electronic commerce(e-commerce)revenues were about$650 billion in 2000 and projects they will grow to$6.8 trillion by 2004.
The greatest impact is in the businessto-business(B2B)sector,where new supply chain models within electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces)enable companies to significantly lower procurement costs and increase operating efficiencies.B2B eMarketplaces streamline the supply chain by making better use of more information.The time it takes to match buyers and sellers can be radically reced,precautionary inventory levels can be lowered,and the range of potential suppliers and distribution outlets can be expanded as geographic boundaries disappear.
Projections of online B2B revenues differ vastly,primarily because defining what counts and how to count it varies widely.But despite these differences,forecasters agree that online B2B trade will grow substantially.B2B e-commerce is generally believed to account for about 80 to 90 percent of total e-commerce today. Forecasts typically project U.S.online B2B revenues of about$2 trillion by 2003,up from roughly$336 billion in 2000. B2B e-commerce is expected to impact the U.S.economy significantly.Brookes and Wahhaj(2000)argue that the rapid growth of B2B e-commerce will have an economic impact over and above that of the normal process of innovation and proctivity growth.They suggest that as a result of B2B e-commerce,annual GDP growth in the large instrialized countries should rise an average 0.25 percent for the next ten years—with the level of GDP eventually 5 percent higher than it would otherwise have been.Brookes and Wahhaj conclude that the dominant long-run effect of B2B e-commerce will be on output and equity markets,rather than on inflation and bond markets.
Investors should respond favorably to announcements of new B2B e-commerce initiatives,as long as they believe these moves will ultimately result in higher profits and increased proctivity without fueling inflation.We examine the potential impact of B2B e-commerce initiatives on the New Economy paradigm using the efficient markets hypothesis(Fama et al. 1969),which implies stock prices reflect all available information about indivial companies and about the economy as a whole.Information is the key input.So in efficient capital markets,prices will immediately adjust to reflect any new information.Thus,B2B e-commerce announcements should immediately raise stock prices if investors believe a firm』s value will be increased by higher net future cash flows resulting from higher proctivity,lower costs, or higher revenues.