Ⅰ 翻譯一篇土木工程的論文摘要
On the Building Construction Problems and Suggestions
With the accelerated process of urbanization, China has become the world's largest national housing construction, thereby increasing the quality of construction is particularly important. To improve construction quality, we must first do a good job engineering survey and design, followed by the owner, design, construction, supervision and other parties of the collaboration is a prerequisite for quality assurance. Furthermore, we need standardized supervision and strengthen the quality of the construction supervision team and do a visa process sub-projects a good job in technological innovation. For the benefit of future generations, prevent and rece accidents, to protect people's lives and property safety, so that society as a whole focus on quality. Engineering Quality in Construction problem is the core issue is to determine the key to the success of project construction. With economic development, engineering, construction tasks, increasing the quality engineering continue to emerge at the same time, there's shabby work to make the country suffer great losses to people's lives and posed a serious threat aroused widespread concern.
Keywords: construction, construction management, engineering, quality, supervision
Ⅱ 求一篇關於土木工程的英文摘要200字左右
本設計主要進行了結構方案中橫向框架2、3、7、8軸框架的抗震設計。在確定框架布局之後,先進行了層間荷載代表值的計算,接著利用頂點位移法求出自震周期,進而按底部剪力法計算水平地震荷載作用下大小,進而求出在水平荷載作用下的結構內力(彎矩、剪力、軸力)。接著計算豎向荷載(恆載及活荷載)作用下的結構內力,。 是找出最不利的一組或幾組內力組合。 選取最安全的結果計算配筋並繪圖。此外還進行了結構方案中的室內樓梯的設計。完成了平台板,梯段板,平台梁等構件的內力和配筋計算及施工圖繪制。
關鍵詞: 框架 結構設計 抗震設計
The purpose of the design is to do the anti-seismic design in the longitudinal frames of axis 2、3、7、8. When the directions of the frames is determined, firstly the weight of each floor is calculated .Then the vibrate cycle is calculated by utilizing the peak-displacement method, then making the amount of the horizontal seismic force can be got by way of the bottom-shear force method. The seismic force can be assigned according to the shearing stiffness of the frames of the different axis. Then the internal force (bending moment, shearing force and axial force ) in the structure under the horizontal loads can be easily calculated. After the determination of the internal force under the dead and live loads, the combination of internal force can be made by using the Excel software, whose purpose is to find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of the wall limbs and the coterminous girders, which will be the basis of protracting the reinforcing drawings of the components. The design of the stairs is also be approached by calculating the internal force and reinforcing such components as landing slab, step board and landing girder whose shop drawings are completed in the end.
Keywords : frames, structural design, anti-seismic design
Ⅲ 土木工程畢業設計目錄及摘要
Ⅳ 土木工程概論論文(範文)
對土木工程的發展起關鍵作用的,首先是作為工程物質基礎的土木建築材料,其次是隨之發展起來的設計理論和施工技術。每當出現新的優良的建築材料時,土木工程就 會有飛躍式的發展。
人們在早期只能依靠泥土、木料及其它天然材料從事營造活動,後來出現了磚和瓦這種人工建築材料,使人類第一次沖破了天然建築材料的束縛。中國在公元前十一世紀 的西周初期製造出瓦。最早的磚出現在公元前五世紀至公元前三世紀戰國時的墓室中。磚和瓦具有比土更優越的力學性能,可以就地取材,而又易於加工製作。
鋼材的大量應用是土木工程的第二次飛躍。 十七世紀70年代開始使用生鐵、十九世紀初開始使用熟鐵建造橋梁和房屋,這是鋼結構出現的前奏。
從十九世紀中葉開始,冶金業冶煉並軋制出抗拉和抗壓強度都很高、延性好、質量均勻的建築鋼材,隨後又生產出高強度鋼絲、鋼索 。於是適應發展需要的鋼結構得到蓬勃發展。除應用原有的粱、拱結構外,新興的桁架、框架、網架結構、懸索結構逐漸推廣,出現了結構形式百花爭艷的局面。
十九世紀20年代,波特蘭水泥製成後,混凝土問世了。混凝土骨料可以就地取材,混凝土構件易於成型,但混凝土的抗拉強度很小,用途受到限制。 十九世紀中葉以後,鋼鐵產量激增,隨之出現了鋼筋混凝土這種新型的復合建築材料,其中鋼筋承擔拉力,混凝土承擔壓力,發揮了各自的優點。 二十世紀初以來,鋼筋混凝土廣泛應用於土木工程的各個領域。
建造一項工程設施一般要經過勘察、設計和施工三個階段,需要運用工程地質勘察、水文地質勘察、工程測量、土力學、工程力學、工程設計、建築材料、建築設備、工程機械、建築經濟等學科和施工技術、施工組織等領域的知識 ,以及電子計算機和力學測試等技術。因而土木工程是一門范圍廣闊的綜合性學科。隨著科學技術的進步和工程實踐的發展,土木工程這個學科也已發展成為內涵廣泛、門類眾多、結構復雜的綜合體系。
Ⅳ 土木工程論文
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Ⅵ 土木工程的論文
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Ⅶ 關於土木工程方面的論文 (3000-3500字)
Ⅷ 土木工程論文摘要翻譯求助~
the reinforced concrete structure is one kind of common structural style in the single-layer instry workshop . Specially along with our country economic development's expand rapidly , also as a result of the need for procing, this kind of structure has obtained the widespread application for its merits such as the low cost of its construction, the broad of its applicable scope and so on in the last ten years. This project,the integrated construction food processing factory workshop, is a rectangular monolayer list cross reinforced concrete structure workshop. The total length of the workshop is 72 meters, the span is 15 meters, used distance of 6 meter column, the total floor space is approximately 1080 square meters. The workshop gross altitude is 13.2 meters, the axle goes against the elevation 8.7 meters, the mast top elevation 11 meters. Because of the crane, so uses the constant section H column. The roofing uses has the purlin system, the purlin selects the cold bending thin wall C channel steel, the makings of roofing uses the prestressed concrete roofing board, the slope is 1/10. This content of design mainly contains two aspects. First, architectural design: Plane, vertical surface, section plane and roof plane; Second, structural design: Load computation and endogenic force analysis and crane beam's design, foundation design.
Ⅸ 土木工程論文摘要 謝謝各位了 明天交啊 分都給你了
The graation project is the subject of Changchun City high-rise residential area competent family, frame - shear wall structure, the main 19-storey building total height of 57.6m.
Construction design includes: a list of projects in terms of Quantity Price (Business Standard), standard construction techniques, construction schele and construction plan preparation.
Quantities calculated include earthworks, steel works, doors and windows works, concrete works and other parts. Quantity Pricing calculated counting all the items in the list. Some of the major construction organization design including major construction programs, construction technology, quality assurance measures, civilized construction measures, construction of measures, such as the rainy season.
To sum up, graated from the College of Design has been issued in accordance with the design of the graation requirements of the book, completed a graate of the mission design.
Key words : Frame - shear wall structure
Quantity pricing
Construction Design