❶ 哪些大學有車輛工程專業
❷ 青島農業大學車輛工程專業介紹
生命科學學院 農學與植物保護學院 資源與環境學院 園林與林學院
園藝學院 動物科技學院 食品科學與工程學院 化學與葯學院
海洋科學與工程學院 機電工程學院 建築工程學院 理學與信息科學學院
經濟與管理學院 人文社會科學學院 動漫與傳媒學院 藝術學院
外國語學院 青島農業大學合作社學院 體育教學部 繼續教育學院
國際教育學院 海都學院(獨立學院)
❸ 大學里汽車類專業有哪些
8、車輛工程 (就業較好)
❹ 全國有哪幾個大學有車輛工程專業所有本科
B+等 (26個):南京理工大學、南京航空航天大學、重慶工學院、燕山大學、大連交通大學、天津工程師范學院、重慶交通大學、河南科技大學、中國農業大學、湖北汽車工業學院、山東理工大學、遼寧工業大學、黑龍江工程學院、淮陰工學院、西華大學、沈陽理工大學、河北工業大學、華南農業大學、青島理工大學、浙江師范大學、山東科技大學、福州大學、長沙理工大學、哈爾濱工業大學、浙江科技學院、廣東工業大學
B等 (27個):安徽工程科技學院、武漢科技大學、遼寧科技大學、山東建築大學、上海工程技術大學、廣西工學院、安徽工業大學、北京機械工業學院、南京工程學院、集美大學、攀枝花學院、西南林學院、杭州電子科技大學、西南大學、華南熱帶農業大學、福建工程學院、南昌大學、上海師范大學、沈陽工業大學、山東交通學院、遼寧工程技術大學、吉林農業大學、河北師范大學、福建農林大學、廣西大學、南京林業大學、揚州大學
❺ 車輛工程的專業介紹
主要課程:大學英語、高等數學、機械制圖、機械原理、理論力學、材料力學、機械設計、電工與電子技術、計算機輔助設計、汽車構造、汽車理論、內燃機理論、汽車設計、汽車試驗學。 論文選題應來源於生產實際或具有明確的工程背景與應用價值。課題應圍繞車輛的研究、開發、製造、檢測、試驗、使用管理及與車輛生產檢測有關的儀器設備的開發或車輛設計分析所用大型通用軟體的開發研究等。
學位論文中所解決的問題要有一定的技術難度和足夠的工作量,取得的成果要有先進性,能充分表現出作者具有綜合運用所學知識解決實際問題的能力。 車 輛 工 程 ,英文名:Vehicle Engineering。
授予學位:工學學士 可從事汽車整車及零部件的設計開發、車身及造型設計、車輛電子技術應用、車輛的性能測試與試驗研究、汽車製造工藝、工裝以及生產管理等技術工作;可在交通運輸及管理等部門從事車輛維修管理工作;也可從事相關的教學及科研工作。
主要去向為整車廠(一汽、東風、上汽等),零部件廠商(大陸、延峰、聯電)和汽車檢測中心,應屆生月薪在4000左右,整體上看處於各行業中等水平。 中國車輛工程最強相關企業
企業名稱 企業性質 企業評級 中國第一汽車集團特大型中央直屬企業 6★中國中車股份有限公司 特大型中央直屬企業 6★東風汽車集團 特大型中央直屬企業 5★長安汽車集團特大型中央直屬企業下屬子公司5★上海汽車集團 地方大型國有企業 5★北京汽車集團 地方大型國有企業 4★廣州汽車集團 地方大型國有企業 4★ 西南交通大學 鐵道部重點學科 同濟大學 鐵道部重點學科 蘭州交通大學 鐵道部重點學科 北京交通大學 鐵道部重點學科 中南大學 鐵道部重點學科 Vehicle Engineering
Vehicle Engineering is concerned with the theory, design, and manufacturing of land vehicles such as automobiles, tractors, locomotives, trucks, military vehicles and other work vehicles. The department which grants the master』s degree trains advanced engineers in the research, development, manufacture, and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation of the vehicles. Major course topics include political theory, foreign languages, engineering mathematics, vibration analysis, computer applications, vehicle system dynamics, vehicle vibrations, noise analysis and control, vehicle electronics, electrical-hydraulic control systems, vehicle body design, automatic transmission theory, vehicle drive chain system control and optimization, vehicle reliability and safety, vehicle testing and analysis, vehicle design and optimization, drivetrain design and optimization, design and optimization of locomotives, vehicle emission measurement and control, etc.
I. Introction
Vehicle Engineering is an important engineering technology field, focusing on the theory, design and technology problems of mobile machines on land including automobile, tractor, locomotive vehicle, military vehicle and engineering vehicles. Widely used in modern society, the vehicle not only affects the development of the transportation instry and automobile instry which is one of the pillar instries in our country but also has a profound impact on modernization of agriculture and national defensive equipment. Vehicle Engineering ranges from original mechanics, mechanical design, material, hydrodynamics and chemistry to current mechatronics engineering, mechanical design and theory, computer, electronic technology, testing metrological technology and control technology, which are not only mutually infiltrating but also further integrating with medicine, physiology and psychology. It has developed into a comprehensive discipline including multiplicate high technologies and engineering technology fields.
II. Program Objectives
The general objective of the specialty is to tumout high-level engineers and technicians who can work in the field of vehicle engineering including research and development, engineering design, tackling key problem and technology alteration, and spreading and applying new technology. Engineering masters in this field must have well-knit basic knowledge and systematic professional knowledge, know the actuality and development trend of this discipline, understand modern design theory of vehicle, mechanic-electronic-hydraulic incorporate technology, modern electronic technology, modern control technology, modern testing technology and necessary experimental ability, master a foreign language, and can smoothly read technological information and literature in this field.
III. Scope of the Field
According to the features of the vehicle instry, this field includes the following aspects: design and manufacturing of automobile and tractor, design and manufacturing of military vehicle, design and manufacturing of locomotive vehicle and design and manufacturing of engineering vehicle and energy power.
According to the features of the work, the scope of this field can be divided into: research and development of vehicle, manufacturing and process of vehicle, performance testing, experiment and analysis of vehicle, use, management, protection and maintainence of vehicle, development of testing instruments and equipment related to proction and testing of vehicle.
IV. Curriculum
Basic courses: scientific socialism, dialectic of nature, foreign language, engineering mathematics (numerical method, matrix algebra, applying statistics).
Basic technical courses: vibration analysis foundation, design of advanced language program, computer technology and application, modern testing technology and analysis, modern design technology, structural fatigue strength analysis.
Specialized courses: systematic dynamics of vehicle, systematic analysis and modern design method of vehicle, yawp analysis and control of vehicle vibration, vehicle testing technology and analysis, electronic technology of vehicle, electronic-hydraulic control system and computer control technology of vehicle, structural analysis and computer aided design of bodywork, automatic transmission theory, vehicle powertrain control and optimizing, vehicle malfunction diagnosis technology, vehicle security, panorama of vehicle instry development, vehicle power assembly, economic analysis of vehicle technology and environmental protection.
The above courses can be chosen as degree courses and non-degree courses. Through negotiations between the training unit and home enterprise, the curriculum can be revised properly, and some selective courses will be available as well.
V. Thesis
The subject of the dissertation must be based on proction practice with explicit engineering background and application value. The tentative subjects include the research, development, manufacture, testing, experiment and usage management of vehicle and the development of instruments equipment related to vehicle proction and testing, or the development of large-scale universal software used for vehicle design analysis.
The format of the dissertation may be engineering design paper or researching paper. Engineering design paper may be the fruit of new proction design and development technology, including comparison and evaluation of design scheme, design computing information, economic technology effect analysis and so on. As to vehicle testing and experiment, the paper should include experimental scheme, integrated experimental data, data processing analysis method and result analysis. Researching paper should include a certain theoretic analysis content, concting comparison analysis connected with experimental results, proving the correctness and validity of the method used and demonstrating the practicability of engineering research.
The problems solved in dissertation should have a certain technology difficulty and enough workload. the Result achieved should be advanced, adequately representing the talent of the author who can solve actual problems and comprehensively use what he has learned.
❻ 大學中的車輛工程專業學得是什麼
培養目標 :本專業主要培養能從事汽車設計、製造,汽車運用管理、保養維修、試驗和檢測,工程車輛與機械的研究、設計、製造,等方面的高級工程技術人才。 培養要求 :學生主要學習車輛設計與製造、機械設計和製造的基礎理論,學習微電子技術、計算機技術和信息處理技術的基本知識,受到現代機械工程師的基本訓I練,具有進行機械產品設計、製造及沒備控制、生產組織管理的基本能力。 畢業生應獲得的知識與能力 : l.具有較扎實的自然科學基礎,較好的人文、藝術和社會科學基礎及正確運用本國語言文字和英語的表達能力; 2.系統地掌握本專業領域的技術理論基礎知識(主要包括力學、機械學、電工與電子技術、汽車構造、汽車理論與設計、車輛運用與管理、汽車檢測與維修、工程機械設計及理論、機械化施工及管理、市場經濟及企業管理等方面的基礎知識); 3.具有本專業必需的制圖、計算、實驗、測試、文獻檢索和基本工藝操作等基本技能; 4.具有本專業領域內某個專業方向所必需的專業知識,了解其科學前沿及發展趨勢; 5.具有初步的科學研究、科技開發及組織管理能力; 6.具有較強的自學能力和創新意識。 主要課程 :車輛人機工程學、汽車震動與雜訊控制、汽車營銷學、汽車專業英語、流體力學、金屬工藝學、機械制圖、機械設計及製造基礎、自動控制原理。 學業年限 :四年 授予學位 :工學學士 職業方向 :在汽車類企業、事業單位從事技術研究,產品開發、維護及管理或產品銷售。
❼ 開設車輛工程專業的大學有哪些
❽ 大學中車輛工程專業學什麼內容
❾ 哪些學校的車輛工程專業比較好
最後,這些大學的的車輛工程是B+級別的,包括東北大學、中國農業大學、中國石油大學、 南昌大學、太原理工大學、西南大學、南京農業大學、中北大學等。值得考慮。