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❶ 江蘇宏嘉工程項目管理有限公司南京分公司怎麼樣


❷ 如何保證工程質量



❸ 從殷巷南京宏嘉監理公司馬台街怎麼做地鐵去

步行 1.3公里到 玄武門站 乘坐 地鐵1號線 (中國葯科大學方向) 11站
在 南京南站 下車換乘 地鐵3號線 (秣周東路方向) 3站
在 天元西路站 (3口出) 下車
步行 1.0公里
到 安通工程咨詢監理有限公司

馬台街 到 中山北路·虹橋站 乘坐 100路 13站
在安德門站 下車 換乘 780路 20站
愛濤路站 下車
步行 360米
到 安通工程咨詢監理有限公司

殷巷南京宏嘉監理公司沒有 在 網上 備注 地址。

❹ 求英文簡歷的翻譯

Work experience:
1. Jiangsu letter Ning New Building Materials Co., Ltd. (Civil Engineer) 2009/06-- so far
Project: Jiangsu letter Ning 4800T / D clinker proction line with a cogeneration
Solely responsible for the new one 4800T / D clinker line construction project site management (project covers an area of 550 acres, only complete the site preparation / construction of the main pile / foundation part of the sub-item processing).
2, Huangshi Urban and Rural Construction Co., Ltd. (technician) 2008/04--2009/06
Project: Xinyang Huaxin Cement 4500T / D cement clinker proction line
Primarily responsible for the 4500T / D single broken limestone clinker line, road and other supporting projects on-site construction management and on-site visa, project settlement.
Third, China's Sinopec Group, the second construction company (technician) 2006/11--2008/02
Project: The Fujian Refining and Ethylene Project
Refinery reconstruction project is responsible for its public works / catalytic - sweetening construction site management.
Ecation Ecation:
2002.9-2005.6 Hubei Huangshi Institute of Technology | Ecation: college | Professional: instrial and civil buildings
Training experience:
2009 / 5, Wuhan Genesis Training Center USA Project Management Institute PMP Project Management System Knowledge Guide 2008
2009 / 8, Nanjing Safety Supervision Bureau of Non-coal mining safety training
Self-evaluation / Other:
Expertise: The Geological Engineering / Ground Handling / pile foundation engineering / architecture / engineering-wide tracking stations are interested in; project management: the concept of interest in PMI's project management; other areas: participation in a large-scale oil refineries and cement proction line project construction, are familiar with various types of office software, CAD, office, wide Lianda, enlightenment P3e / c, ANSYS software and the Magnum. Have a clear career planning / learning Upgrading Scheme in urgent need of a stable working environment, large-scale projects (preferably power plant / cement plant and other instrial projects) to improve the professional knowledge and project management level.
Social relations (friends):
1. Sinoma International Nanjing Cement Design and Research Institute: Zhang Xiude - Project Manager
2. Ning New Building Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangsu letter: Crown - Electric Head
3. Jiangsu Hongjia Project Management Co., Ltd.: Mrs - Project Director

❺ 江蘇宏嘉工程項目管理有限公司安徽分公司怎麼樣






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