導航:首頁 > 工程技術 > 工程技術部會議


發布時間:2021-08-12 21:10:31

1. 建築工程項目部安全會議內容

工程名稱: 記錄人:
組織部門 出席對象 主 持 人
會議時間 年 月 日 會議地點 參會人數


2. 2014材料科學與工程技術國際會議的會議主題

Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Materials Science Metallic Alloys Tool Materials Superplastic Materials Ceramics and Glasses Composites Amorphous Materials Nanomaterials Biomaterials Multifunctional Materials Smart Materials Engineering Polymers Functional materials Nuclear fuel materials Biomaterals sensors and surfaces Thin Film Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Materials Nuclear Materials IV Magnetic Materials Multi Functional Magnetic Materials Superconcting Materials Structured Materials Spintronics Materials and Devices Hard/Soft Magnetic Materials Crosscutting materials Materials Properties, Measuring Methods and Applications Ductility Crack Resistance Fatigue Creep-resistance Fracture Mechanics Mechanical Properties Electrical Properties and Magnetic Properties Corrosion Erosion Wear Resistance Non-Destructive Testing Reliability Assessment Toxicity Working Properties of Materials and Procts Large Scale Applications Electronics Applications Methodology of Research and Analysis and Modelling Electron Micros X-ray Phase Analysis Metallography Quantitative Metallography Image Analysis Computer Assistance in the Engineering Tasks and Scientific Research Numerical Techniques Statistic Methods Resial Life Analysis Process Systems Design Mould Flow Analysis Rapid Prototyping CAM CAMS CAQ Engineering Design Technological Design Materials Design Computational Material Science Materials and Engineering Databases Expert Systems Artificial Intelligence Methods Materials Manufacturing and Processing Casting Powder Metallurgy Welding Sintering Heat Treatment Thermo-Chemical Treatment Thin & Thick Coatings Surface Treatment Machining Plastic Forming Quality Assessment Automation Engineering Processes Robotics Mechatronics Technological Devices and Equipment Theoretical Fundamentals of Cleaner Proction Instrial Application of Cleaner Proction Methods Proction and Operations Management Proction Planning and Control Manufacturing Technology Management Quality Management Environmental Management Safety and Health Management Project Management Physical Distribution and Logistics Management Supply Chain Management Proctivity and Performance Management

3. 完成一項建築工程需要開什麼會議,都有哪些會議,會議的內容和意義是什麼



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