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發布時間:2021-08-15 02:08:45

A. 軟體工程方面的英語翻譯,5000字以上,具體哪方面不限,例如資料庫等等(英語漢語都要)急切!有追加分哦

The software engineering, SE is one class engineering.The engineering is to practice theories and the knowledge applications in of science.In regard to software engineering, SE, it drew lessons from the principle and systems of the traditional engineering, in order to develop the high software of mass efficiently.Among them applied the computer science, mathematics and management sciences.The computer science and mathematicses used for the construction model and algorithms, the engineering science useds for the establishment norms, the design norm type, the assessment cost and the assurance weightings, the management science useds for plan, resource, mass and the handling of the costs.

Software engineering, SE this reads aloud all, mainly aiming at" the software hazard" of 60's in 20 centuries but putting forward.It appears on the NATO( NATO) meeting of 1968 for the very first time.Since this read aloud to put forward all, around the software item, evolved the relevant development model, system and support the research of the tool.Its cardinal fruit have:Put forward the waterfall model, develop some structured programming language, structured method etc.s.And around the project management puts forward the expense to estimate, the document appeals trial etc. system and tool.Take a comprehensive view of to go to the beginning of 80's at the end of 60's, its cardinal character is, expected to emphasize to study the system to carry out the technique before, the anaphase started emphasize the development handling and software qualities.

Today, the software has already become science and the technique each realms, the instry sums importance fraction of the social each section indispensability.The evolution of the software technique gets behind with the hardware technique far and far, the software development face still and depend on the manual, software and can't be heavy to use, develop a great deal of strobe and the fertility lowly etc. problems excessively.The software is the outcome of logic that the mankind created out, treat in investigate the new theories and fulfillments.

The software engineering, SE is one aim of hilus at develop the contented user requirements, just - ln - time to refer, not run over the course of the software of budget the sum fault-free, it with quality assurance for base, include the process, system and three stuffs of tool.The software engineering, SE covered all stages of the software life cycle, including the plan, analyze, design, carrying out, testing, integration, refer, support etc..

The software development model is the modeling to the software process, the familiar development model includes the waterfall model, fast prototype, increment model, spiral model...etc., each software development organization should select suitable for the software development model that should organize.





B. 軟體界面翻譯工具


C. 現在在有ORCAD學畫圖,但界面都是英文的,很不方便隨知道有為軟體翻譯的工具啊


D. 軟體界面翻譯


E. 英文軟體界面翻譯工具 怎麼回事


F. 2018CAD英文版軟體工具欄怎麼可以翻譯成中文

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2018\acad.exe" /proct ACAD /language "zh-CN"

G. 軟體工程一般用什麼畫圖軟體

建築工程一般用,AutoCAD軟體畫圖。AutoCAD(Auto Computer Aided Design)是Autodesk(歐特克)公司首次於1982年開發的自動計算機輔助設計軟體,用於二維繪圖、詳細繪制、設計文檔和基本三維設計,現已經成為國際上廣為流行的繪圖工具。AutoCAD具有良好的用戶界面,通過交互菜單或命令行方式便可以進行各種操作。它的多文檔設計環境,讓非計算機專業人員也能很快地學會使用。在不斷實踐的過程中更好地掌握它的各種應用和開發技巧,從而不斷提高工作效率。AutoCAD具有廣泛的適應性,它可以在各種操作系統支持的微型計算機和工作站上運行。 AutoCAD軟體是由美國歐特克有限公司(Autodesk)出品的一款自動計算機輔助設計軟體,可以用於繪制二維制圖和基本三維設計,通過它無需懂得編程,即可自動制圖,因此它在全球廣泛使用,可以用於土木建築,裝飾裝潢,工業制圖,工程制圖,電子工業,服裝加工等多方面領域。

H. 有沒有權威一點的軟體界面翻譯工具推薦或者有沒人會翻譯軟體界面,中譯英。


I. 軟體界面翻譯的工具


J. 「軟體工程」專業用英文怎麼表達

用英語表達是Software Engineering Major。







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