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发布时间:2021-08-12 11:38:52

① 你好,大侠 有汽车工程专业英语第3章的英文原文么 有的话,什么都好商量啊。。。

Chaper3 Chassis
The engine proces the power to drive the vehicle . The drive line or drive train transfer the power of the engine to the wheels . The drive train consists of the parts from the back of the flywheel to the wheels . These parts include the clutch , the transmission ,the drive shaft ,and the final drive assembly .
The clutch which includes the flywheel ,clutch disc , pressure plate , springs , pressure plate cover and the linkage necessary to operate the clutch is a rotating mechanism between the engine and the transmission . It operates through friction which comes from contact between the parts . That is the reason why the clutch is called a friction mechanism . After engagement, the clutch must continue to transmit all engine torque to transmission depending on the friction without slippage . The clutch is also used to disengage the engine from the drive train whenever the gears in the transmission are being shifted from gear ratio to another .
To start the engine or shift the gears , the driver has to depress the clutch pedal with the purpose of disengagement the transmission from the engine . At that time , the driven members connected to the transmission input shaft are either stationary or rotating at a speed that is slower of faster than the driving members connected to engine crankshaft . There is no spring pressure on the clutch assembly parts . So there is no friction between the driving members and driven members . As the driver lets loose the clutch pedal , spring pressure increase on the clutch parts . Friction between the parts also increases . The pressure exerted by the springs on the driven members is controlled by the driver through the clutch pedal and linkage . The positive engagement of the driving and driven members is made possible the friction between the surfaces of the members . When full spring pressure is applied , the speed of the driving and driven members should be the same . At the moment , the clutch must act as a coupling device and transmit all engine power to the transmission , without slipping .
However , the transmission should be engaged to the engine graally in order to operate the car smoothly and minimize torsional shock on the drive train because an engine at idle just develop little power . Otherwise , the driving members are connected with the driven members too quickly and the engine would be stalled .
The flywheel is a major part of the clutch . The flywheel mounts to the engine’s crankshaft and transmits engine torque to the clutch assembly . The flywheel , when coupled with the clutch disc and pressure plate makes and breaks the flow of power the engine to the transmission .
The flywheel provides a mounting location for the clutch assembly as well . When the clutch is applied , the flywheel transfers engine torque to the clutch disc . Because of its weight , the flywheel helps to smooth engine operation . The flywheel also has a large ring gear at its outer edge , which engages with a pinion gear on the starter motor ring engine cranking .
The clutch disc fits between the flywheel and the pressure plate . The clutch disc has a splined hub that fits over splines on the transmission input shaft . A splined hub has grooves that match splines on the shaft . These splines fit in the grooves . Thus , the two parts held together . However , back – and – forth movement of the disc on the shaft is possible . Attached to the input shaft , the disc turns at the speed of the shaft .
The clutch pressure plate is generally made of cast iron . It is round and about the same diameter as the clutch disc . One side of the pressure plate is machined smooth . This side will press the clutch disc facing are against the flywheel . The outer side has shapes to facilitate attachment of spring and release mechanism . The two primary types of pressure plate assemblies are coil spring assembly and diaphragm spring .
In a coil spring clutch the pressure plate is backed by a number of coil springs and housed with them in a pressed – steed cover bolted to the flywheel . The spring push against the cover . Neither the driven plate nor the pressure plate is connected rigidly to the flywheel and both can move either towards it o away . When the clutch pedal is depressed a thrust pad riding on a carbon or ball thrust bearing is forced towards the flywheel . Levers pivoted so that they engage with the thrust pad at one end and the pressure plate tat the other end pull the pressure plate back against its springs . This releases pressure on the driven plate disconnecting the gearbox from the engine .
Diaphragm spring pressure plate assemblies are widely used in most modern cars . The diaphragm spring is a single thin sheet of metal which yields when pressure is applied to it . When pressure is removed the metal spring back to its original shape . The center portion of the diaphragm spring is slit into numerous fingers that act as release levers . When the clutch assembly rotates with the engine these weights are flung outwards by centrifugal plate and cause the levers to press against the pressure plate . During disengagement of the clutch the fingers are moved forward by the release bearing . The spring pivots over the fulcrum ring and its outer rim moves away from the flywheel . The retracting spring pulls the pressure plate away from the clutch plate thus disengaging the clutch .
When engaged the release bearing and the fingers of the diaphragm spring move towards the transmission . As the diaphragm pivots over the pivot ring its outer rim forces the pressure plate against the clutch disc so that the clutch plate is engaged to flywheel .
The advantages of a diaphragm type pressure plate assembly are its compactness , lower weight , fewer moving parts , less effort to engage , reces rotational imbalance by providing a balanced force around the pressure plate and less chances of clutch slippage .
The clutch pedal is connected to the disengagement mechanism either by a cable or , more commonly , by a hydraulic system . Either way , pushing the pedal down operates the disengagement mechanism which puts pressure on the fingers of the clutch diaphragm via a release bearing and causes the diaphragm to release the clutch plate . With a hydraulic mechanism , the clutch pedal arm operates a piston in the clutch master cylinder . This forces hydraulic fluid through a pipe to the cutch release cylinder where another operates the clutch disengagement mechanism by a cable .
The other parts including the clutch fork , release bearing , bell – housing , bell housing cover , and pilot bushing are needed to couple and uncouple the transmission . The clutch fork , which connects to the linkage , actually operates the clutch . The release bearing fits between the clutch fork and the pressure plate assembly . The bell housing covers the clutch assembly . The bell housing cover fastens to the bottom of the bell housing . This removable cover allows a mechanic to inspect the clutch without removing the transmission and bell housing . A pilot bushing fits into the back of the crankshaft and holds the transmission input shaft .

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Abrasion 磨损
Abrasive cleaning磨洗,研磨去污
Acid 酸
Acidity 酸度,酸性
Active restraint(指安全带等需要乘客动手使用的)主动保护装置
Actuator 执行器
A/D converter模/数转换器
Adaptive learning 自适应学习
Additive 添加剂
Adhesion 附着力,附着性
Adhesive 附着的,附着力
Aeration (空气以微小的气泡状态混入液力系统工作液中的)混气现象
Aerodynamics 空气动力学
Air bag system 安全气囊系统
Air-conditioning 空调
Air-conditioning clutch空调(系统的压缩机)离合器
Air-conditioning compressor 空调压缩机
Air cts 空气通道
Air filter 空气滤清器
Air gap 气隙,(火花塞)跳火间隙,间隙
Air injection 空气喷射
Air Injection Reactor (AIR) 空气喷射反应净化系统
Air-fuel ratio (A/F) sensor 空燃比传感器
Alignment 调整使…在一条直线上
Alloy 合金
Automotive aftermarket 汽车配件市场
Average responding平均值响应
Axial 轴的,轴向的
Axial load 轴向载荷
Axial play 轴向运动
Back pressure (汽车排气系统的)背压
Backlash (由于松动等原因造成齿轮等机械系统的)间隙,背隙
Ball bearing 球轴承
Ball joint球节,球形连接
Barometric pressure 大气压力
Battery 蓄电池
Battery cable (连接启动机或者搭铁的)蓄电池电缆
Battery cell 蓄电池单元,单格电池
Baud rate 波特率
Bottom dead center (BDC) 下止点
Bead 轮胎胎圈(轮胎安装在轮辋上的部分)
Bearing 轴承
Bearing clearance 轴承间隙
Bearing crush 轴承压紧量
Bearing race 滚动轴承座(圈)
Bearing spread 轴承过盈量
Bell housing 钟形壳(如离合器壳)
Belleville spring 膜片弹簧,蝶形弹簧
Belt alternator starter (BAS) 带式发电启动机
Bias 偏差
Binary code 二进制代码
Biodiesel fuels 生物柴油燃料
Bit (二进制)位,比特
Blowby 窜气
Body-over-frame 车身-车架式结构
Bolt diameter 螺栓直径
Bolt head 螺帽
Boot 橡胶防尘罩
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) 氟氯化碳
Chamfer 斜面
Chamfering 倒角,切角
Charcoal canister 活性炭灌
Chassis ground 底盘搭铁
Check valve 单向阀,止回阀
Chemical cleaning 化学清洗
Clamping diode钳位(压)二极管
Closed loop 闭环
Clutch 离合器
Clutch disc 离合器盘
Clutch fork 离合器拨叉
Clutch release bearing 离合器分离轴承
Coefficient of friction 摩擦系数
Coil pack 线圈组件
Cold cranking 低温启动,冷启动
Collector 集电极
Combination valve 组合阀
Combustion 燃烧
Combustion chamber 燃烧室
Compound 混合物,化合物
Compression 压缩
Compression ratio 压缩比
Compression stroke 压缩冲程
Concentric 同中心的
Condensation 冷凝,浓缩
Condenser 冷凝器
Conction 传导
Conctor 导体,导线
Connecting rod 连杆
Continuously variable transmission (CVT) 无极变速器
Differential 差速器
Diffusion 扩散
Digital 数字的,数字式的
Dilution 稀释
Diode 二极管
Direct current (DC) 直流,直流电
Direct drive 直接驱动,直接传动
Direct ignition system (DIS) 直接点火系
Direct injection 直接喷射,直喷
Directional stability 方向稳定性
Disc brakes 盘式制动器
Discharge line(空调压缩机的)输出管
Displacement (发动机的)排量
Distributor 分电器
Distributor ignition (DI) system 分电器式点火系统
Dome 圆顶(如活塞顶的形状)
Dowel 定位销
Drive member (行星齿轮机构的)输入齿轮
Driveability 操作性能,驾驶性能
Drive shaft 传动轴
Dry sump 干式油底壳
Dual overhead camshaft (DOHC) 双凸轮轴顶置
Duo-servo 双向伺服
Duty cycle 占空比
Dwell time (凸轮轮廓的)同心部分(即随动件相应静止的时间)
Dynamic 动力(学)的
Dynamic pressure 动压力(当液力流动时的压力)
Dynamometer 测功机
Eccentric 偏心的
Efficiency 效率
EI 电子点火
Elasticity 弹性,弹性变形
Electrochemical 电化学的
Ferrous metal 含铁金属
Field coil 励磁线圈
Final drive 主减速器
Firing order 点火顺序
Flange 法兰
Flexible fuel vehicles (FFV) 多用燃料汽车
Fluid 流体,流动性
Flux density 通量密度
Flux field 磁场
Flywheel 飞轮
Foot-pound 英尺-磅(=1.35N•m)
Force 力
Forge 铸造
Forward bias 正向偏压
Free play(转向盘的)自由间隙,自由行程
Free travel(离合器踏板的)自由行程
Frequency 频率
Friction 摩擦,摩擦力
Fuel cell stack 燃料电池组
Fuel pressure regulator 燃油压力调节器
Fuel pump 燃油泵
Fuel rail 油轨
Fulcrum 杠杆的支点
Full-floating 全浮式
Fuse 熔断器
Fusible link 熔断丝
Galling wear 表面磨损
Gasket 垫圈
Gateway 网关
Gear 齿轮,挡位,装置,齿轮传动机构
Gear pitch 锥齿轮
Gear ratio 传动比,齿数比
Generator 发电机
Glaze 光滑面,光滑层
Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) 氢氟碳化合物,氢氟烃
Hypoid gears 准双曲面齿轮
Idler pulley 惰轮
Ignitability 可燃性
Ignition coil 点火线圈
Ignition system 点火系统
Ignition timing 点火正时
Impedance 阻抗
Impeller 泵轮
Impermeable 不渗透的
Included angle 车轮与主销的夹角(主销内倾角与车轮外倾角之和)
Inction (电磁)感应
Inctive reluctance磁阻
Inertia 惯性,惯量
Inertia switch 惯性开关
Insert bearing 滑动轴承
Installed spring height弹簧装配后的高度,装配高度
Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) 绝缘栅双极晶体管
Insulator 绝缘体
Intake valve 进气阀
Integral 整体,总体
Integrated circuit 集成电路
Integrated motor assist (IMA) system 集成式电动机助推系统
Intercooler 中冷器
Inverter 变换器(将交流电转变为直流电或将直流电转变为交流电)
Isooctane 异辛烷
Jounce 震动,颠簸
Keep-alive memory (KAM) 保持通电型存储器
Kickdown (自动变速器的)强制降挡
Magnetic pulse generator 磁脉冲信号发生器
Magnetism 磁力
Magnitude 幅值
Mainline pressure 主管路压力
Malleable 可锻的,韧性的
Manifold absolute pressure进气歧管绝对压力
MAP sensor进气歧管绝对压力传感器
Margin 气门头边缘厚度
Mass 质量
Mass airflow (MAF) sensor 空气质量流量传感器
Master cylinder 制动主缸
Material safety data sheets 化学物质安全信息表
Matter 物质,物体
Mechanical efficiency 机械效率
Memory 内存
Mesh 啮合
Metering valve节压阀
Methanol 甲醇
Microprocessor 微处理器
Millisecond 毫秒
Misfiring 缺火,失火(指点火中断)
Molecule 分子
Momentum 动量,动力
Monolith (常用来表示催化转化器中催化剂的)蜂窝状整体式陶瓷载体
Muffler 消声器
Multimeter 万用表
Multiviscosity oil 多级润滑油
Newton-meter (N•m) 牛•米
Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) 镍金属轻化合物
Nolar iron 球墨铸铁
Normally aspirated 自然吸气的,非增压的
Octane number 辛烷值
OEM parts 原厂零件
Pickup coil拾波线圈,传感器的电磁感应线圈
Piezoresistive 压敏电阻的,压阻现象的
Pilot bushing 导向轴承
Pinion gear (两个相互啮合中的)小齿轮
Pintle 针阀
Piston 活塞
Piston rings 活塞环
Pitch 螺距,间距,齿距
Pitch gauge 螺距规,螺纹样板
Pitman arm 转向摇臂
Pitting 锈斑,点蚀穴蚀,局部锈蚀
Planetary gear set 行星齿轮机构
Plasma 等离子体
Play 运动
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) 插入式混合动力电动汽车
Pneumatic 气动的
Polarity 极性
Poppet valve 菌状气门
Porosity (金属件中的)细孔,气孔
Port fuel injection进气口燃油喷射
Positive displacement pumps 容积泵
Postcombustion control systems 二次燃烧控制系统
Potential energy 势能,位能
Potentiometer 电位计
Power 功率,动力
Power brake booster 制动助力器
Power split device 动力分配装置
Power steering pump 助力转向泵
Precombustion control system 预燃烧控制系统
Preheating 预热
Preignition 早燃,过早点火
Rectify 整流
Rection 还原(还原反应)
Reference voltage 基准电压
Reformer 裂化碳氢化合物与水蒸气反应产生氢气的装置
Reformulated gasoline (RFG) 改质汽油,重整汽油
Refrigerant 制冷剂
Regenerative braking 再生制动,能量回收式制动
Relay 继电器
Relief 浮雕花纹,凸纹
Reluctance 磁阻
Renewable fuels 可再生燃料
Resial 剩余压力,残余压力
Resie 残余,残渣
Resilience 弹性,弹力,弹性能
Resistance 电阻
Reverse bias 反向偏压
Rheostat 可变电阻
Rich 浓的
Ring gear 齿圈,冠轮
Road crown 路拱
Rolling resistance 滚动阻力
Rotary 旋转的,滚动的
Rotary oil flow 旋转的油流
Rotor 转子
Rotor-type oil pump 转子式机油泵
Room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) 常温硫化,室温硫化
Sampling 取样
Saturation 饱和,磁性饱和
Scale 标度
Schematics 图表
Score 划痕
Solution 溶液,溶解
Solvent 溶剂,有溶解力的
Spark plug 火花塞
Specific gravity 比重
Speed 速度
Speed ratio 速比
Splay 展开
Splice 铰接,接头
Spline 花键
Sponginess (制动踏板的)海绵感
Spontaneous combustion 自燃
Spool valve 滑阀
Spring 弹簧
Spur gear 直齿圆柱齿轮
Square wave 方波
Squib (安全气囊的)引爆装置
Squirm 摇摆,滑磨
Stainless steel 不锈钢
Stall speed (液力变矩器等的)零速转速
Stamping 印模,冲压
Starter relay 启动继电器
Static balance 静平衡
Static pressure 静压力
Stator 定子,(液力变矩器的)导轮
Steering axis inclination (SAI) 转向轴线内倾
Stellite 钨铬钴合金,硬合金
Step-up transformer 升压变压器
Stoichiometric 化学当量的,化学计算的
Stress 压力
Stroke 冲程
Strut 滑柱
Substrate (催化转化器的)载体
Suction 吸入,真空度
Sulfation 硫化现象
Tracking 追迹行驶(顺前车旧辙行驶)
Traction 牵引力,附着力,抓地力
Traction motor (电动汽车的)牵引电动机
Tractive effort 牵引力
Tramp (汽车同一车桥左、右两个车轮)反向跳振
Transaxle 变速驱动桥
Transfer case 分动器
Transverse 横向的
Trouble codes 故障码
Turbo boost 废气涡轮增压
Turbocharger 涡轮增压器
Turbulence 紊流
Turning torque 旋转转矩
Two-mode hybrid system 双模式混合动力系统
Ultracapacitors 电容器
Ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洗
Universal joint 万向节
Urea 尿素
Vacuum 真空
Valve 气门
Valve body 阀体
Valve lifter 气门挺柱
Valve seat 气门座
Valve spring 气门弹簧
Vapor 水蒸气,蒸发
Vapor lock 气阻
Variable nozzle turbine turbocharger (VNT) 可变(截面)喷嘴涡轮增压器
Variable-rate coil spring 变刚度弹簧
Variable resistor 可变电阻
Variable valve timing (VVT) 可变气门正时

⑧ 汽车工程专业英语翻译,主编,张金柱,韩玉梅和石美玉的, 谢谢


⑨ 汽车工程专业英语译文,张金柱韩玉敏石美玉,主编,速求,全的加分(化学工业出版社)发到,


⑩ 求《汽车工程专业英语》李俊玲 罗永革主编 的英文课文。


1.1 Principal Components
Today's average car contains more than 15,000 separate, indivial parts that must work together. These parts can grouped into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment.

1.2 Engine
The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine :gasoline(also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel(also called a compression-ignition engine).Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmission.

1.3 Body
An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood, and a trunk deck built into it. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers, and cargo. The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle.

1.4 Chassis
The chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating part of a vehicle. The chassis includes the transmission, suspension, steering, and brake systems.

Transmission systems ― conveys the drive to the wheels. The main components are clutch, gearbox, driveshaft, final drive, and differential.

Suspension― absorbs the road shocks.

Steering― controls the direction of the movement.

Brake― slows down the vehicle.

1.5 Electrical Equipment
The electrical system supplies electricity for the ignition, horn, lights, heater, and starter. The electricity level is maintained by a charging circuit. This circuit consists of the battery, alternator (or generator). The battery stores electricity. The alternator changes the engine's mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharges the battery.
New Words
Principal component 主要部件
category 种类,类型
body 车身
chassis 底盘
layout 布置
power unit 动力装置
internal combustion engine 内燃机
cylinder 汽缸
gasoline 汽油
spark 火花
ignition 点燃,点火
diesel 柴油机
compression 压缩
shaft 轴
transmission 传动系
sheet metal 金属板
shell 外壳
hood (发动机)罩
trunk deck 行李舱盖
cargo 货物
styling 样式
assembly 总成,装配
suspension 悬挂,悬置
shock 冲击
steering 转向,操纵
brake 刹车,制动器
clutch 离合器
gearbox 变速器
driveshaft 传动轴
final drive 主减速器,后桥
differential 差速器
slow down (使)慢下来,减速
horn 喇叭
starter 起动机
charge 充电
alternator 交流发电机
Review Questions
1. List the main parts of an automobile?
2. What are the common types of a vehicle according to body styling?
3. Which systems does a chassis include and what are the main functions of the chassis?
4. Why are suspension systems used on vehicles?


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辽宁恒润建设工程有限公司 浏览:93
实行施工总承包的工程项目 浏览:737
道路桥梁工程技术兴趣爱好 浏览:316
密歇根理工大学电气工程专业 浏览:388
广西交通工程质量监督站 浏览:31
四川大学材料科学与工程学院考研参考书目 浏览:858
有线电视工程建设管理条例 浏览:270
云南工程监理公司排名 浏览:673