导航:首页 > 工程专业 > 信息与通信工程专业英语徐秀兰PDF


发布时间:2021-08-14 10:24:32

『壹』 专业英语翻译(信息与通信工程)


『贰』 电子信息与通信工程专业英语(王立琦)课文翻译 要考试了 谁有这本书的课文翻译什么的 帮帮忙把


但是 我没有听说这本书

『叁』 在线等 电子信息与通信工程专业英语原文翻译


『肆』 信息与通信工程专业考研复试会有专业英语 让翻译文章 大概会找些什么文章


『伍』 谁有计算机与通信专业英语(修订第四版) 主编:徐秀兰 北京邮电大学出版社 的课文翻译谢谢~急需


『陆』 对信息与通信工程专业英语的了解

This book rejection obsolete ecational model, stressed that takes the gain specialized knowledge and the related information English, carries on the exchange the tool, trains the student emphatically by high accurate and the enough speed reading specialized material and literature ability, gives al attention to certain specialized English power of expression. this book altogether 20 units, each unit including text, glossary, difficult annotation, outside reading material, language knowledge, exercise. The text and the reading material's selection involved the information and the communication engineering and the related domain elementary knowledge and the new technology progresses, has included the information science, and pays attention to the broad technical English basic vocabulary and the suitable language difficulty. In the teaching may have the choice according to the text content with English to narrate that certain specialty elementary knowledge, simultaneously expands the aspect of knowledge in the study specialized English. this book may take the institutions of higher learning information, the correspondence, the electron class specialized undergraate course and graate student's technical English teaching material.

『柒』 急求电子信息与通信工程专业英语(张雪英) 课文 5.1 A ShortHistory of Communication 翻译!!!


『捌』 通信与信息工程专业英语教程(陈杰美)的课后答案


『玖』 推荐几本与通信工程专业有关的专业英语书,或者跟硬件、软件、网络安全之类的有关英语教材


『拾』 谁有电子信息与通信专业英语(赵淑清主编)的全文翻译,求高手帮忙!谢谢各位大虾了



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