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发布时间:2021-08-14 14:00:28

1. 求助 麻烦朋友翻译一下工程管理论文摘要 十万火急 谢谢!

Abstract: the construction project cost management is the project investment cost management and price management. It is using the principle of science, technology and method, under the unified goal, the principle of indivial, in order to ensure the economic benefits of construction projects and the related economic rights and interests of all aspects of construction project cost management and take a price of the whole process and comprehensive in line with the policy and objective laws of all business and organizational activities. Construction project cost management is an important part of a project investment, not only lies in the control of project investment shall not exceed the approved limit cost, more from the country's overall interests, the rational use of manpower, material resources, financial resources, achieve maximum investment benefit.

2. 工程管理专业论文摘要英文翻译

无论怎样的感受,无论怎样的生活,灿烂或者腐烂都是你自己的生活。没有人可以为你的生活负责任,也负不了这个责任。其实,一切尽在掌握!(是你的掌,不是别人的。) 想通了,就好好吃饭,好好睡觉,好好珍惜,好好爱,好好恨,好好生活 对现在的生活不满意,想改变,就改变吧,不能再拖了。只有拖拉机的生活是拖出来的,我不是拖拉机,所以,我不拖了。改变,就在现在!不是有句话叫做,活在当下! 我的生活是我自己的,作为朋友的你可以做什么呢?需要你的时候,我会告诉你,没有找你麻烦的时候,恐怕,就只有祝福了。当然,你需要我的时候,请你也告诉我哦!记住了——一切尽在掌握

3. 项目成本管理 中英文 论文摘要






1.WBS结构 WBS结构图见节5.3.3.1,结构图可用于成本估计以及确保所有工作均一一被估计成本了。

2.资源需求 资源需求见节7.1.3.1。

3.资源单价 做成本估计的个人和小组必须知道每种资料单价(例如:每小时人员费用,单位体积材料价格)以计算项目成本。如果实际单价不知道,那么必须要估计单价本身。

4.活动时间估计 活动时间估计(见节6.3)会影响项目成本估计,项目预算中包括财务费用(例如由利息引起的财务费用)。

5.历史资料 许多有关资源成本的信息可从以下一些来源获得:
-- 项目档案--项目的一个或数个组织可能保留有先前项目的一些记录,这些记录相当详尽可用以成本估计。在一些应用领域,个别小组成员也许保留这样的纪录。
-- 商业性的成本估计数据库--历史数据经常可从市场买得到。
-- 项目团队知识--项目团队的个别成员也许记得先前的实际数或估计数,这样的信息资料也是有用的,但可靠性通常比档案结果要低得多。

6.会计科目表 会计科目表是一个组织机构在总帐系统中使用的用于报告该组织财务状况的一套代码。在项目成本估计中,应把不同成本对应到不同科目上。

1.类比估计 类比估计是用先前类似项目的实际数据作为估计现在项目的基础。这种估计法适用于早期的成本估计,因为此时有关项目仅有少量消息可供利用。类比估计是专家判断的一种形式(见节7.1.2.1)类比估计是化费较少的一种方法,但精确性也较差。以下情况下类比估计是可靠的:(a)先前的项目不仅在表面上且在实质上和当前项目是类同的(b)作估计的个人或小组具有必要经验。

2.参数建模 参数建模是把项目的些特征作为参数,通过建立一个数学模型预测项目成本。模型可简单(居民住房成本是以每平方尺的居住面积的成本作为参数)也可复杂(软件研制的模型涉及13个独立参数因子,每个因子有5~7子因子)。
(a) 用来建模的历史数据是精确的
(b) 用来建模的参数容易定量化
(c) 模型对大型项目适用,也对小型项目适用。

3.累加估计 该技巧涉及单个工作的逐个估计,然后累加得到项目成本的总计。

4.计算工具 有一些项目管理软件被广泛利用于成本控制。这些软件可简化上述几种方法,便于对许多成本方案的迅速考虑。

7.2.3 成本估计的结果
1.成本估计 成本估计是项目各活动所需资源的成本的定量估算,这些估算可以简略或详细形式表示。




2.详细说明 成本估计的详细说明应该包括:
-- 工作范围的描述 这通常可由参考WBS获得。
-- 对估计的基础作确认,即确认估计是合理的,说明估计是怎样作出的。
-- 确认为成本估计所作的任何假设的合理性
-- 可能结果用一个范围表示。

例如 $10000±$1000表示:估计成本在$9000和$11000之间。不同应用领域细节的总量和种类也不同。留下甚至是粗糙的注释也常被证明是有价值的因为它能提供如何估算成本的一个较好的说明。

3.成本管理计划 成本管理计划描述当实际成本与计划成本发生差异时如何进行管理(差异程度不同则管理力度也不同)。一个成本管理计划可以是高度详细或粗框架的;可以是正规的也可非正规的;这些取决于与项目相关人员的需要。项目管理计划是整个项目计划的一个辅助部分(在节4.1.3.1讨论)。

7.3 成本预算


7.3.1 成本预算的输入
1. 成本估计 成本估计见节7.2.3.1

2. 工作分析结构 工作分析结构(见节5.3.3.1)确认了项目的细目,而成本要分配到这些工作中

3. 项目进度 项目进度(见节6.4.3.1)包括了项目细目的计划开始日期和预计结束日期。为了将成本分配到时间区间,进度信息是不可缺少的。

7.3.2 成本预算的工具和方法
1.成本估计的工具和技巧 在节7.2.2项目成本估算中所用的工具和方法同样适用于编制各项工作成本的预算。

7.3.3 成本预算所得输出结果
1.基准成本 基准成本是以时间为自变量的预算,被用于度量和监督项目执行成本。把预计成本按时间累加便为基准成本,可用S曲线表示(见图7-2所示)。

7.4 成本控制
成本控制与下列内容有关 (a)影响那些会使基准成本发生改变的因素朝有利方向改变 (b) 识别已经偏离基准成本 (c)对实际发生的成本改变进行管理。
-- 监督成本执行情况以及对发现实际成本与计划的偏离。
-- 要把一些合理的改变包括在基准成本中。
-- 防止不正确的、不合理的、未经许可的改变包括在基准成本中。
-- 把合理的改变通知项目的涉及方。


7.4.1 成本控制的输出
1.基准成本线 基准成本线见节7.3.3.1

2.执行报告 执行报告(见节10.3.3.1的讨论)提供了项目实施过程中成本方面的信息,例如,超预算的是哪些工作,仍在预算范围内的是哪些工作。执行报告可提醒项目团队将来可能会发生的问题。

3.改变的要求 有关改变的要求可以有多种形式--口头或书面,直接或间接的,组织外部要求的或内部提出的,强制规定的或可选择的。实现这些改变可能要增加或减少预算。

4.成本管理计划 见节7.2.3.3。
7.4.2 成本控制的工具和方法
1.成本改变控制系统 一成本改变控制系统规定了改变基准成本的一些步骤,它包括一些书面工作、跟踪系统和经许可的可改变的成本水平。成本改变控制系统应和整体改变控制系统相结合(见节4.3讨论)。

2.评估执行情况 评估执行情况技巧(见节10.3.2讨论)帮助估计已发生的偏离的程度。盈余量分析(见节10.3.2.4)对成本控制特别有用。成本控制的一个重要内容是确定什么原因引起偏差以及决定是否需要采取纠正措施。

3.原计划的修改 很少项目精确按计划进行,可预见的改变可能需要对原成本估计进行修正或用其它方法估计成本。

4.计算工具 一些管理软件经常被用以成本控制,可进行计划成本与实际成本间的对比以及预测成本改变的后果。

7.4.3 成本控制的输出
1.原成本估计的修正 修改原有成本数据并通知与项目有关的涉及方。修改成本估计可能要求对整个项目计划进行调整。

2.预算修改 预算修改是一种类形的成本修改。预算修改是对原基准成本的更改,这些数字通常在范围改变时作修改的。有时成本偏差是如些之大以至于重新制订基准成本显得必要,以便对以一步执行提供一个现实的基准成本。

3.纠正措施 指采取措施使项目执行情况回到项目计划。
4.完成项目所需成本估计 完成项目所需成本估计(EAC)是根据项目执行的实际执行情况为基础,对整个项目成本的一个预测。最常见的EAC有以下几种:
-- EAC=实际已发生成本+对剩余的项目预算(但一般用成本执行因子对原预算进行修正见节10.3.2.4),在项目现在的偏差可视为将来偏差时,这种方法通常被利用。
-- EAC=实际已发生成本+对剩余项目的一个新估计值。当过去的执行情况表明先前的成本假设有根本缺陷或由于条件改变而不再适用新的情况时,这种方法最为常见。
-- EAC=实际已发生成本+剩余原预算。当现有偏差被认为是不正常的(由偶然因素引起)项目管理小组认为类似偏差不会发生时,用这种方法最为常见。


5.教训 应记录下产生偏差的原因、采取纠正措施的理由和其它的成本控制方面教训,这样记录下来的教训便成为这个项目和执行组织其他项目历史数据库的一部分。
7.4 成本控制
成本控制包括查找正、负偏差的原因。它必须与其它控制过程(范围变更控制、进度控制、质量控制等,参看第4.3节介绍的其它控制 )紧密地结合起来。 例如,若对成本偏差采取不恰当的应对措施,就可能造成质量或进度问题,或在项目的今后阶段产生无法接受的巨大风险。

7.4.1 成本控制的投入
1 成本基准。成本基准在第7.3.3.1节中描述。
2 绩效报告。绩效报告(在第10.3.3.1节中介绍)提供有关项目范围与成本绩效的情况,例如哪些预算达到要求,哪些还没有。绩效报告还提醒项目班子注意将来可能出现麻烦的问题。
3 变更申请。变更申请具有多种形式——口头或者书面,直接或者间接,外来或者内部,具有法律强制性或者留有选择余地。变更可能要求增加预算,也可能允许将其削减。
4 成本管理计划。成本管理计划已在第7.2.3.3节中介绍。

7.4.2 成本控制的工具与技术
1 成本变更控制系统。成本变更控制系统规定成本基准变更所应遵循的程序,包括书面申请、追踪系统以及核准变更的审批级别。成本变更控制系统应与第4.3节描述的综合变更控制系统紧密结合起来。
2 绩效量度。第10.3.2节所描述的绩效量度技术有助于评估已出现偏差的大小。第7.4.2.3节和第10.3.2.4节介绍的实现价值管理(EVM)则对成本控制极其有用。成本控制的一个重要部分,是确定何种原因造成了偏差,并决定偏差是否需要采取纠正行动。
3 实现价值管理(EVM)。所有实现价值管理(EVM)控制帐目计划(CAPs),均应以下列三个独立变量的相互关系为手段,来连续的量度项目的绩效:1)计划价值,已安排要完成的实际工作,包括该项工作的估算价值(原来称为计划工作预算成本(BCWS)和2)实现价值,已完成的实际工作,包括该项工作的估算价值(原来称为完成工作预算成本BCWP),以及3)为完成实现价值而付出的实际成本。实现价值(2)减去计划价值(1)就是进度偏差(SV)。实现价值(2)减去实际成本(3)就是项目的成本偏差(CV)。另请参看第10.3.2.4节。
4 补充规划。很少有项目能一丝不苟的按计划执行。预期的变更或可能要求制订新成本估算、修改现有成本估算、或者分析替代方案。
5 电脑化工具。项目管理软件、棋盘式电子表格程序等电脑化工具常被用来对计划成本与实际成本进行跟踪,并预报成本变更的后果。

7.4.3 成本控制的产出
1 经修改的成本估算。经修改的成本估算指对用于管理项目的成本资料所做的修改。必要时,必须通知有关的利害关系者。经修改的成本估算可能要求,也可能不要求对项目计划的其它方面进行调整。
2 预算更新。预算更新是一种特殊类型的经修改的成本估算。预算更新是对经批准成本基准所做的变更。这些数字一般只在范围变更之后才作修改。在某些情况下,成本偏差有可能极其严重,需要重新调整基准,才能对绩效进行现实的量度。
3 纠正措施。纠正措施指为把项目未来期望绩效达到项目计划规定而采取的任何行动。
4 竣工估算。竣工估算(EAC)是根据项目的绩效和第11.4.3节描述的风险量化对项目最可能的总成本所做的一种预测。最常用的预测技术为以下三种方法的某种变种:
EAC = 迄今为止的实际成本 + 对所有尚未完成工作的新估算。此种方法最通常用于以往绩效表明原有估算假设有重大缺陷,或者由于情况改变,原有假设不再适用时。公式为:EAC=AC+ETC。
EAC = 迄今为止的实际成本 + 剩余预算(BAC - EV)。此种方法通常用于当前出现的偏差被视为非典型特例。而且项目管理班子预计将来不至于出现类似偏差时。公式为:EAC= AC + BAC –EV。
EAC =迄今为止的实际成本 + 剩余的项目预算( BAC – EV)乘上一个绩效系数,通常是累计成本绩效指数(CPI)。此种方法最通常用于当前出现的偏差被视为具有典型性,可以代表未来偏差时。公式为:EAC = (AC + (BAC –EV)/CPI)——此处的CPI为累计CPI。
5 项目收尾。应当制订结束或取消项目的过程和程序。例如,状况报表(美国注册公共会计师协会——AICPA——颁发的SOP 98-1表)要求失败的IT项目的所有成本都在项目取消的当季度全部销帐。
6 汲取的教训。造成偏差的原因、 所采取纠正措施的依据以及从成本控制中应汲取的其它教训都应形成文字记载 ,留做本项目和实施组织其它项目历史数据库的组成部分(参看第4.3.3.3节)。

4. 建筑工程项目质量管理论文提纲,要有中文摘要,英文摘要,引言和目录,急求谢谢了

我看可行的, 我帮你

5. 工程类论文题目和摘要翻译成英文

Thesis topic: construction project bidding decision-making and research skills

[Abstract] project tender main line, the decision-making methods of tendering, the factors affecting the decision-making, tender offer strategy and risk analysis. Bidding process in the often appear in the pros and cons of the various methods of test and the need to pay attention to expounded.
Town words: Skills Project Bidding

Thesis topic: Engineering Change to study the impact of cost management

[Abstract] FID1C articles based on the engineering change to the definition that, in accordance with the principle of fairness and efficiency of the process described in the cost of engineering change management principles and methods and examples of the contract denominated in the corresponding item in the contract and no accordingly denominated project engineering change the basis for determining price, the principles, methods.
Town words: Engineering Change Cost Management FIDIC Terms

Thesis topic: real estate investment risk theory

[Abstract] from the perspective of the real estate investment real estate on the definition of risk, risk to the real estate instry source identification. With the current domestic economic policies to the real estate investment risk analysis, and in accordance with the types of real estate investment risks were taken appropriate measures and methods to make the process of real estate investments in order to minimize the risk level.
Town words: real estate risk

6. 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下工程管理专业英语!只有200字论文摘要 十万火急 谢谢啦!

As the development of international market of engineering construction, gross job contracting with EPC engineering appears. EPC contract is a kind of gross job contracting that is designed, purchased and constructed all by contractors and offering perfect equipments. This paper comprehensively introces this kind of new contract mode, including generation backgrounds and basic frame of EPC contract, and the EPC mode’s virtues and defects compared with traditional contract modes. Basic on this, this paper comprehensively analyses risk share for business owners and contractors under EPC contract mode combined with new edition FIDIC<EPC/Key Engineering Contractor conditions> and put forward corresponding countermeasures towards each phases in engineering implement in view of contractors.
Key words: EPC contractor, Risk Analysis, Contractor, Risk precaution.

7. 工程管理论文摘要翻译

Ye set to Xinyang highway construction design and construction budget plans, the starting point is K31 +091.5, the end is K46 +591.5, chief of 15.5 km. The design includes construction design and construction budget plans in two parts. Construction of organizational design, including the foundation, scope, principles and project profiles; determine overall objectives of the construction, construction of the overall layout of the content on preparations for the construction of the main elements; specify a special roadbed processing, filling roadbed, the road structure, Bridges and culverts, drainage, protection sub-projects of construction technology and programmes; details on the quality of the works, period, security assurances; civilization construction and environmental protection measures also the rainy season, winter, at night, and other special construction techniques Measures are introced, and had been scheled for projects related to the progress of plans. Construction of part of the budget plans, based on the existing national highway projects on technical standards, norms, a point of order and the laws, regulations, documents and Henan Highway project cost guidance and other information prepared. Main summary of the budget preparation, with a total budget of the main material, Jixietaiban number matrix, construction and installation works, such as computation of fees. Through scientific calculation steps, eventually worked out the final budget of the project price, the total project cost of 240029351.00 yuan
Key words: Highway Construction budget


8. 本人有一片工程管理方面的论文需要翻译 请英语高手给与帮助

Construction project management methodology for research
Abstract: The construction project is the largest number of the most typical of the "project", construction project management project management theory and practice is one of the important sources, combines the practical experience of project management systems project management theory also for the construction project management provides a theoretical tool, allowing construction project management is increasingly systematic and scientific.
Keywords: Project Management Engineering
1, of the problem and the status quo Review
Project management makes it a modern community to resolve the "one-off problems" so an effective tool for an occupational qualification, in social affairs, economic process, and the rapid development of widely used, it is that it provides a new approach. Ever-increasing volume of modern socio-economic globalization, the growing trend of information technology, more speed, complex procere, new instries, emerging areas, proct development cycles, leading to an increasing number of "one-off", there are no precedents to follow the emergence of the task, particularly in business and management of social and public affairs, government, it is faced with an increasingly complex domestic and foreign affairs from the market and the various issues related to factors, the main interest of more and more, these problems conventional management practices are difficult to resolve, or satisfactorily resolved, while those from construction projects and military, space exploration and other areas of project management method has been promoted to project management theory and thought, offered a solution to the problem of socio-economic development in Central Africa conventional means. May be that the development and application of project management lies in its methods. Project Management in China, widely popular in recent years, things in the ascendant, and we introce and popularize the focus should not be tedious theories, concepts, proceres, but should be concise, applicable and effective method.
Regardless of changes in economic structure, engineering, project construction is still the main carrier of China's economic development. In our country is currently building a moderately prosperous society, developing the northwest, the revitalization of the Northeast against the backdrop of the project into many parts of the important means of economic revitalization. Some cities have even proposed "project Prospering City" slogan. Economic progress in the application of the results rely mainly on new technology and rely on content-type expansion, relying on knowledge innovation situation, relying on extensive-type projects are not suitable means of revitalizing the economy, our country has been for the investment decision-making mistakes pay a huge price, so the use of scientific methods of construction project management, including assessment of feasibility studies, project construction will be able to achieve the desired objectives of the important aspects.
Project management approach is not only specific methods, but also ideas. The party's third plenum put forward the people-oriented, sustainable scientific development concept, "people-oriented", "sustainable" is an essential element of science and technology, economy, environment and social development, the project construction as an economic development an important tool, not only costly, but also have significant impact on the surrounding environment, it is necessary to meet the sustainable, coordinated development of the request, which is project management, one of the important guiding ideology. Methodology is a method of research. Comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, developing the northwest, the real background of the revitalization of the Northeast may trigger a new round of construction boom, sustainable, coordinated development of the scientific concept of development projects, building on a certain restrictive macro-control, which is to be implemented in construction project management approaches. Engineering Project Management is designed not only to achieve specific objectives (ration, quality, costs), should also be project construction and environmental, social coordination, otherwise it might repeat of past investment mistakes, missteps, out of control in the past. This is also the project management approach up to the "Methodology" One of the implications.
The theory of project management can be said has been very comprehensive, and this not only in the rich diversity of theoretical results, such as a variety of project management books (including translation) is available, but also the performance in this area has its own "knowledge system", such as the the U.S. Project Management Institute (PMI) in 1987, as amended 1996,2000 proposed revision of the "Project Management Body of Knowledge", International Project Management Association in 1997 launched a "project management capacity benchmarks", China's double-Law Research Project Management Research The Commission also launched in 2001, "China Project Management Body of Knowledge." The above knowledge system project management knowledge is divided into a number of areas, elements, moles, China's knowledge of "methods and tools," the concept of no other systems on the method of independent topics, but throughout all stages of project management, process , domain. Were also many works of a variety of project management focused on project management, content, stages, proceres, and organization of the exposition devoted to rare for the method. Of course, this does not mean that the methodology of the neglect, but a summary of the methodology, which focused on project management and improvement will help promote the use of project management role into full play.
Questions added: 2, construction project management approach the level of
Narrow project management is a limited ration, quality, cost objectives of the project within the integrated management to achieve the project targets, but only the management of the construction project, with the scale of investment, the expansion of the area, diversification of investment sources , project on the environment, enhance the economic impact, project management has been limited to the implementation process, but extends to be delivered from the project to the maintenance of the whole process of management, engineering implementation of the project from development to project management and construction contracting, engineering, general contracting and other forms. For a specific project, its objectives have not only the quality, ration, cost control, but also with the financing, risk analysis, the use of maintenance as well as the seat of economic, environmental and other linked objectives of the project, management should have "generalized" to consider. Project management approach, in addition to specific technical approach, but also forward in the latter part of the evaluation but also an extension of the central authorities to consider the sustainable and coordinated development, reflected these ideas. In summary, this article will be divided into project management methodology at two levels: ideological approach and technical methods, or that the project management ideas and methods.
3, the ideological construction project management method

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Highway construction organization plan and construction drawing budget

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Summary of the study on construction project management methodology: is the largest number of construction projects, the most typical "projects", construction project management practice is one of the important sources of project management theory with integrated project management system of project management theory and practical experience provide theories for construction project management tools, making increasingly systematic and scientific management of construction projects. Tags: 1, raised issues of project management and overview of project management is becoming a modern social address "one-off questions" effective tools that a kind of professional qualification, wide application in the process of social, economic and rapid development is that it provides a new way. Modern social economic total constantly increased, economic globalization, and information trend increasingly enhanced, development speed speed up, process complex, new of instry, and field constantly appears, procts development cycle shortened, led increasingly more of "one-time", and no precedent can through of task of appears, especially enterprise and management social public affairs of Government, more faced was increasingly complex of from market and at home and abroad Affairs of various problem, involves of factors, and interests main increasingly more, these problem General of management approach difficult to solution or successfully solution, and from construction project and the military, and space exploration, field of project management method by upgrade for project management theory and thought, provides has solution social economic development non-General problem of means. You can think, lies in its development and application of project management method. Widely promoted popular project management in China in recent years, the ascendant, and we introce, universal focus, should not be a complicated theories, concepts, proceres, and should be concise, applicable and effective way. Regardless of the economic structure changes, construction remains the main carrier of China's economic development. In comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in China under the background of the Northwest, Northeast, become important means for economic revitalization in many parts of the project. Some cities even proposed "project will flourish cities" slogan. Rely mainly on the application of new scientific and technological achievements in economic progress, relying on the content-type extension, depend on the situation of knowledge innovation, rely on an extensive project is not a suitable means of revitalizing the economy, has been in China for failure to pay the investment decision of enormous cost, so using the scientific method on engineering construction project management, including assessment of argumentation, is the important condition of the building can achieve the desired purpose of the project. Project management methods are not only specific methods, including thought. Party of 16 session third plenary made people, and can continued of science development view, "people", and "can continued" of a basic content is science and technology, and economic, and environment, and social of coordination development, project construction do for development economic of important means, not only cost huge, and on around environment has larger effect, so must meet can continued, and coordination development requirements, this is project management of important guiding ideology one. Methodology is the study of methods. Comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in Northwest and northeast of real background might set off a new round of upsurge of construction, sustainable and coordinated development of scientific concept of development put certain constraints on the construction of macro-control, this method should be implemented in construction project management. Project management is not only for the purposes of achieving specific objectives (ration, quality and cost), should also do project construction and coordination of environmental, social or risk repeating previous errors, mistake, got out of the investment mistakes. This is also a project management method to rise to "methodology" meaning one. Project management of theory so far has can said is is complete of, this not only performance in rich diverse of theory results as various project management books (including translation) of launched, more performance in this area has has own of "knowledge system", as United States Project Management Association (PMI) Yu 1987 made and by 1996, and 2000 amendment of "project management knowledge system", international project management Association 1997 launched has "project management personnel ability benchmark", China double method society for the project management Research Committee also Yu 2001 launched China project management knowledge system under. Each of these knowledge systems project management body of knowledge is divided into a number of areas, elements, moles, China knowledge system "methods and tools" concept, other systems do not have on the topic independent of the method, but throughout all stages of project management, processes, fields. Various project management works also focus on content, stage of project management, program, organization of expositions devoted to rare. Of course, this does not mean to ignore, perfection but summary, concentrate on methods of research and contribute to the popularization and application of project management project management role into full play.
关键词:项目管理 工程


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