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发布时间:2021-08-14 23:07:35

『壹』 先进智能工程研究中心英文怎么翻译

Advanced Intelligent Engineering Research Center

『贰』 青岛理工大学的学术研究

省部级实验室7个:机械设计与制造实验室、能源与环境装备实验室、暖通与热泵实验室、混凝土实验室、城市规划与景观工程技术实验室、摩擦学与先进表面工程实验室 、工业流体节能与污染控制教育部重点实验室。
省级人文社会科学研究基地1个:城市文化与城市竞争力研究基地。 截至2014年3月,青岛理工大学获国家科技进步二等奖1项,获2010年度中国冶金矿山科学技术进步一等奖1项。获山东省科技进步一等奖1项。
低温冰箱系列化产品关键技术及产业化 (2013年)主要负责人(郭健翔教授,林海波博士)
特高含水期油田能耗预测评价与节能技术研究 ( 2007年)主要负责人(仪垂杰教授) 馆藏资源 截至2014年,青岛理工大学图书馆拥有印刷版纸质图书162.6万册,电子图书50万种,订购中外文期刊2498种,中外文报纸170种。学校拥有万方数据库资源、维普数据资源等大型数据库12个。 学术期刊 《青岛理工大学学报》(自然科学版)创刊于 1980年,1986年由《山东冶金工业学院学报》更名为《青岛建筑工程学院学报》,1988年由半年刊改为季刊,2005年改为双月刊,并经国家新闻出版总署审批正式更名为《青岛理工大学学报》。
学报已被《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》、《中国期刊网》、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》、《中文科技期刊数据库》、《万方数据—数字化期刊群》、《重庆维普》全文收录,是《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库》 、《中国科学引文数据库》数据来源期刊,《全文报刊索引》源期刊。

『叁』 国家工程技术研究中心 用英语怎么翻译

National Engineering Research Center

『肆』 谁能帮我翻译 !!!!!!!!急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Introction to Electrical Engineering, University of Jinggangshan
Former Institute of Electrical Engineering, in 2004 the original Jinggangshan Teachers College, Vocational and Technical College Jinggangshan Jinggangshan Medical College merged to form the three universities. June 2011, renamed the Institute of Electrical Engineering, and the original Institute of Architectural Engineering Construction Engineering College was established to separate. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering are equipped with mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and biomedical engineering three system. 51 full-time teachers, including nine professors, associate professors 12, of which four teachers with a doctorate (PhD and another 4 people), 27 master's degree. Teachers have Master Instructor 5, Jiangxi Province, a young scientist, Jiangxi New Century Talents Project candidates for two, three young backbone teachers provinces, municipalities and the new century, middle-aged academic leaders in two technology, school a school of academic leaders and academic leaders 4.
The School opened with mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, material forming and control engineering, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering and automation of four undergraate and mechatronics, medical equipment and maintenance of two specialized professional. Full-time students 1422.
Jiangxi College now has manufacturing and electromechanical integration machinery proction, learning and research cooperation demonstration base training, Jiangxi experimental teaching demonstration center ---- University of Engineering Training Jinggangshan experimental teaching demonstration center, CNC machine tools Jian Engineering Research Center , Ji'an City, Hydraulic Engineering Research Center, Jian bionic Packaging Engineering Research Center and Institute of Electrical. GE and the United States in 2008 jointly established the "University-GE FANUC Jinggangshan laboratory automation system, with a total investment of 2400 million yuan.
College has a "mechanical engineering" focus on building a school subject, "Materials" general building two school subjects, the "mechanical drawing" and "Engineering Mechanics" two provincial quality courses. In recent years, more than 560 papers published teacher articles, which by SCI, EI and ISTP contains 65 core papers 268, published 29 monographs, complete the provincial level and above, more than 40 research projects, provincial natural science prize 1, Provincial Department of Ecation Science and Technology Achievement Award third prize two, the provincial teaching Achievement Award second prize, third prize 1. Past three years, organizing students to participate in national, provincial competitions, won first prize six, 25 second prize, third prize 46. Ecational process, the long-term to get Tongji University, Mechanical Engineering, School of Electronics and information counterpart support, and concted joint training in the form.

Letter of intent
1, the implementation of 22, the exchange of undergraate students. That school for 2 years, and then the other cooperative school for two years, after completion of their studies, both awarded diplomas and degree certificates.
2, professional teacher ecation, hospital teachers to your side for 6 months or 12 months of access to communication, and convenience.

『伍』 “工程技术研究中心”怎么翻译


『陆』 工程技术职称序列都包含哪些专业
















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